SIN ( 1 Kings 18:24 ): I felt convicted by this verse today, Father. Oftentimes, I am much like the followers of Baal here in my own faith. Oftentimes, I feel the “need” for proof of some kind that You are really there. With all of the turmoil, heartache, and pain in this world, I often feel the need to find proof of Your existence not realizing initially that proof of You is everywhere. I frequently have to remind myself that I do not need to be like these people and mandate “proof” of Your existence. Please forgive me for my immature faith, Father. Help me to become stronger in my faith so that I do not act like these people did in these verses.
PROMISE ( 1 Kings 18:1 ): Right off the bat for this chapter, You are already showing fulfillment of the promise You made in the prior chapter. 3 years have passed and they have been in a drought this entire time just as You have promised. You also promised that it would end and here is the fulfillment of that promise! You are truly always faithful to Your promises. Thank You for this reminder today, Father.
ATTITUDE ( 1 Kings 18:21 ): Just as I confessed, I often have a mindset and attitude similar to that of the followers of Baal in these verses. I ask You today to help me to shift my attitude from one like the Baal followers to one like Elijah. He is truly faithful to You and faith driven through You throughout his spiritual journey here. Help me to become more like Elijah in my mindset and attitude, Father.
COMMAND ( 1 Kings 18:24 ): This is a powerful verse for me personally. I accidentally read it the first time as “the God who answers, He is God.” You answer me all the time, even when I am being stubborn in my faith. I see this as a command to have strong faith to the God who answers, which is You, Father. Help me to be better at following You and listening to You, so that I may abide in this command, Father.
EXAMPLE ( 1 Kings 18:15-19 ): Elijah gives such an amazing example to live by. He was told by You to present himself to Ahab and the people of Israel to confront them, essentially, but also to announce that You will end the drought. This could have quite easily ended in his death as he approached Ahab after the prophecy he gave him 3 years prior about the drought. He had full confidence, strength, and courage in his faith in You, so he was unshaken by any of it. In fact, he approached Obadiah and Ahab with full confidence that You would claim victory over them and reveal to Israel You are the one true God that they should be worshipping.
*DAILY NOTE: Elijah gives such a great example of how to walk our faith leaning on You for courage and strength; not having fear of anything around us, because You are victorious and Your mission WILL be done. Thank You for this reminder today, Father. You always know what I need to hear, when I need to hear it, and how I need to hear it. Thanks so much for Your great wisdom and guidance today.