SIN ( 1 Kings 20:34 ): I must admit, when I read this verse I felt convicted. Ahab did for Ben-hadad what I don’t think I would have done. After all the harsh words Ben-hadad spoke to Ahab and the attempt to take over his kingdom, his riches, his wives, and even his children, Ahab found it in him to simply pardon him instead of slay him. In those times and these circumstances, I cannot say I would have done the same to be honest, Father. Please forgive me for my lack of willingness to show mercy to others as You’ve shown to me, Father.
PROMISE ( 1 Kings 20:13-14, 19-21 ): You made a promise to Ahab, through a prophet, that he would be successful against this great army that’s coming up against Your people. You immediately fulfilled this promise, because Ahab took the action steps You told him to take. His smaller army was indeed successful against the greater army solely because You made it so.
ATTITUDE ( 1 Kings 20:34 ): As I stated in my sin confession today, I do not think I would have shown mercy in this situation like Ahab did, Father. Please help me to be better at embracing an attitude of mercy, Father. Showing myself mercy; showing my wife mercy; showing my kids mercy; showing anyone mercy whom You deem I should show. Help me to embrace this attitude of mercy in my heart, Father.
COMMAND ( 1 Kings 20:36a ): I see this verse as a command today, because I have been failing at listening to You as of late, Father. Help me to be better at following the command that I need to listen to You. Help me to be better at hearing You, listening to You, and following what You have instructed me to do, Father.
EXAMPLE ( 1 Kings 20: 34 ): I’m brought back to this verse, which serves as a great example of showing mercy to those who are likely undeserving of such mercy. Whether or not they deserve mercy from me is irrelevant as You’ve shown me endless mercy and I am far from worthy of any. Thank You for this great example today, Father. Even towards his war enemy who threatened to take everything from him, Ahab showed mercy.
*DAILY NOTE: Interesting story on Ahab here. He started off so much in Your favor, then quickly changed at the end after all You had done for him. He showed mercy towards his war enemy, but would not show mercy to the man who met him on the side of the road with a simple inquiry. I don’t know why he did this, but I see myself doing the same at times. I’ll often show mercy in the worst of circumstances, but not in the lightest. Help me, Father.