SIN ( 1 Kings 21:15-16 ): Although not even close to this extreme, I have envied and coveted that of others to the point that I have also attempted to “take” what is not mine in a fit of anger, revenge, or whatever it was in the heat of the moment. When I cheated on my wife, it was because I envied the attention the other woman gave me, so I took her for myself even though she was also married and not mine to take. When I was younger, I often stole things from others and stores because I did not have what they had nor could we afford it, so I felt I deserved it and took it. This is not how You have called me to act in this life, Father. Forgive me for often putting the blinders on for what You have blessed me with and instead seeking that which others have for myself. Help me to be a better man in this life, Father.
PROMISE ( 1 Kings 21:20 ): Your promise to me this morning is that You always know when I am doing something evil in Your sight. Your promise is that You will always catch me anytime I devote my time and effort to doing what is evil in Your sight. This doesn’t mean You won’t show me mercy or even prevent me from doing so. It means that Your promise this morning is that You know ALL things that I do, whether good or bad.
ATTITUDE ( 1 Kings 21:29 ): Humility is a tough one for me for some reason, especially in my faith journey. I do not know why I struggle so much with living in and embracing an attitude of humility, but I do. Please help me to learn more about where I can make changes to improve on this, Father. Please continue to help me learn more about what it truly means to live a humble life.
COMMAND ( 1 Kings 21:29 ): Today I see Your command to me to live a humble life. I know I struggle with this, which is why You’re likely speaking it to me this morning. Please continue to guide me and mentor me, Father, in what it truly means to live a life in humility. Provide me with examples of those who walk their spiritual journey with humility so that I may learn from them. Please show me mercy, forgiveness, and patience as I’m sure I will fail at this often. I know with You all things are possible and I’m still learning to embrace this fully in my heart.
EXAMPLE ( 1 Kings 21:20-21, 27-29 ): Ahab received a very damning threat/promise from the Lord. You show me such a powerful example through this, however. An example of Your amazing grace and forgiveness. Ahab did so much evil in Your eyes that You assured him that You would bring about great disaster in his life. He immediately repented and humbled himself to You. You obviously felt the sincerity in his humility, so You decided to extend Ahab grace and forgiveness, but only to him directly as his house would still pay a price, but not until during his son’s lifetime. Your grace and forgiveness are an over-flowing pot that never seems to end and never ceases to amaze me. Thank You for this amazing example this morning, Father. It shows me that I am never too far lost no matter how much I may beat myself up over things I’ve done and do.
*DAILY NOTE: This was a great quiet time this morning, Father. I will admit that I haven’t been very excited going through the last few journals, unfortunately, as I’ve felt like they weren’t really speaking as loudly to me as my quiet times normally do. This likely has to do with my mindset going into these as I have not been fully “there” in my quiet times as of late. Thank You for being patient with me, Father. Today’s quiet time definitely struck a chord along with the great spiritual mentoring I received this morning in a call I was on. You are an amazing Father and Teacher who continues to show me much such love, grace, forgiveness, and patience. Thank You.