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Quiet Time in 1 Samuel 26


SIN ( 1 Samuel 26:12 ): Once again, David had an easy opportunity to take Saul’s life from him and stop this pursuit of madness as well as quickly become the king of Israel. David chose the righteous route instead by not taking Saul’s life and instead taking proof that he was able to get close enough to do so if he chose to. I have not always been one to not seek revenge when opportunity arose, Father. You know as well as I do that I have sought out opportunities for revenge at times and that is not Your way. Please forgive me for this, Father. Forgive me for embracing a vengeful heart at times instead of a loving one as You have shown towards me and David had shown towards Saul. Help me to be better, Father.

PROMISE ( 1 Samuel 26:23-25 ): Just as You promised David great things, You also promised Saul similar. Both of these promises are recognized by the other in these verses. David recognizes Your promise that Saul is anointed by You. Saul recognizes that David is blessed by You and destined for greatness. Your promises are always clear to those who are willing to pay attention and honor You in them.

ATTITUDE ( 1 Samuel 26:12 ): This verse reminds me that I must never again seek out nor embrace a vengeful heart, no matter the opportunities that are given. Help me to be more like David in this chapter, Father, so that I can live this life embracing the loving and caring heart You’ve shown me instead of the vengeful and jealous heart the world raised me to embrace.

COMMAND ( 1 Samuel 26:9 ): Your command here is quite simple yet extremely powerful—do not even lift a hand against the Lord’s anointed. David says, “don’t destroy him, for who can lift a hand against the Lord’s anointed and be blameless?” Although this is referencing Saul in this moment, it’s a great lesson and reminder. If someone is anointed by You, then nobody should do evil towards them. We should embrace them as what they are—the Lord’s anointed. Help me to be better at both recognizing and respecting Your anointed, Father.

EXAMPLE ( 1 Samuel 26:24 ): This statement from David is resounding in my heart today, Father. He says that just as he considered Saul’s life valuable today, so may the Lord consider his life valuable and rescue him from all trouble. This to me says that all life is valuable, regardless of if they’re our family, friends, or enemies. ALL lives are valuable in Your eyes. I need to embrace this in my life as well, because I have not fully embraced it at times throughout my life. I have considered some people to be lesser than others because of how evil they seem to be, but Your heart still cares for them so why should I think any different? My heart should be aligned with Yours, not against it, yet for some reason I do struggle with this at times. When I see so many evil acts in this world performed by some people, I get angry with them and begin to devalue their lives in my head and my heart. Help me, Father, to always keep Your ways higher than my own.

*DAILY NOTE: This chapter was an interesting one. I didn’t realize Saul pursued David again after they seemed to have restored their relationship somewhat in the previous chapter. I forgot, however, that Saul’s good spirit was removed by You and replaced with an evil spirit, so it makes sense that Saul would try again to pursue David with the intent to kill him. The evil spirit is weighing heavy on him and it’s just a matter of time before it either completely takes him over into insanity or is removed by You and replaced with Your positive spirit again. I look forward in continuing through this amazing testimony to learn more about David and his journey towards kingship.



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