SIN (verses 1-4): There are a few key words in these verses that are speaking to me today, Father, concerning a personal struggle of mine. You are telling Your people multiple times in just these verses to not be afraid because You are with them. I have lived in my fears quite often throughout this life; not because I don’t know or don’t think You are with me, but because I am weak and tend to default to my flesh more often than I’d care to admit. You are telling me here to not be afraid, however, so why do I keep delving back into my fears, Father? Please forgive me for my weakness here, Father. Forgive me for not fully trusting in You even in the most stressful moments. Forgive me for giving into my fear more times than I’d care to admit and more times than I can even remember, I’m sure. Help me to be better at living this life in a way that the only fear I possess is a reverent fear of You, Father. There is nothing in this life I should fear because You are always with me.
PROMISE (verse 1): I really love the encouragement You are giving to Your people right off the bat in this chapter. You are telling them that they should have no fears about the impending war because You are with them and with You by their side they will be victorious. The promise here is that You are with me. You have not left me to fight my battles alone. You have not deserted me to take on the struggles of this life by myself. You are always with me and I should be better at recognizing that through all things so that I may lean on You at all times.
ATTITUDE (verses 10-11): I find these verses interesting as Your people are heading into war to take the land which was promised to them for generations. You tell them that before they begin any type of war to first walk up to the city walls with an offer of peace. This offer of peace is something I do struggle with at times. I do not always walk with an attitude of peace as yesterday was evidence for. I do struggle at times with just going into situations already headstrong to the point that peace is not something I am thinking of. Here, however, You tell us that I should always lean on peace as my first instinct BEFORE going the “war” route in my life. Help me to embrace this attitude of peace fully and truly in my mind, heart, and soul, Father. Help me to always walk this life with an attitude of peace as my first instinct instead of an often afterthought, Father.
COMMAND (verses 17-18): These two verses give me insight into Your thoughts on approaching those who are of differing mindsets to us, especially when it comes to religious practices. You tell us to be cautious so that they do not attempt to teach us their detestable ways of worship, which go against Your ways, Father. You tell us this not to “bash” their faith or anything like that, but to ensure that we do not sin against You. I must be better at walking this life in a cautious manner to ensure I am not learning things and doing things which are detestable to You, Father. Help me to be better at discerning these things, but also to keep my spiritual barriers up to ensure I do not fall into any traps. Help me to follow this command by walking this life cautiously amongst others.
EXAMPLE (verses 1, 3, 10-11, 18): This scripture has a resounding theme associated with it through the examples You’ve provided. The major theme is for us to remember that You are always with us so that we do not fear what is happening around us, but also so that we may live a peaceful yet cautious life for Your kingdom’s glory. I know I have struggled with this entire theme throughout my life, but I also know that Your grace is sufficient for all the mistakes I’ve made. I hope that one day I can show myself as much grace as You have shown me, Father. I still beat myself over many of the bad decisions I’ve made throughout the years, which causes me to often dip into my anger and irritability. You tell me here, however, to live in peace knowing that You are always with me no matter the trials of this life. Help me to be better at fully embracing this, Father, so that I do not go back to my old ways anymore.
*DAILY NOTE: This chapter is titled “Rules of War” by the HCSB translators/publishers. Being military for the last 20+ years, anytime I hear the word war I think of things such as the world wars, Afghanistan, Russia, etc. I don’t think about the wars within myself or the wars around me through arguments, disagreements, differing of lifestyles, etc. War is a much broader term than I often default to in my thinking. In this chapter, however, You’ve revealed to me that my internal wars are much more important to face and work through than the external ones. You start off with addressing the fleshly emotions of being cowardly, afraid, alarmed, or terrified. Although these all occur in actual wars in this world, they also occur in my own internal struggles. I have been a coward for a long time, being too afraid to make certain changes I’ve needed to make in my life to be a more Godly man for Your kingdom, for my wife, for my kids, and for those around me. I am still fighting my own internal war, but I feel like I have had more victorious battles in the last year since leaning on You more than I did for the first 9 years combined since coming to faith. Thank You for the works in me, Father, and for reminding me to not be afraid because You are always with me.
Well written warrior Filip. In this chapter, however, You’ve revealed to me that my internal wars are much more important to face and work through than the external ones. You start off with addressing the fleshly emotions of being cowardly, afraid, alarmed, or terrified. Although these all occur in actual wars in this world, they also occur in my own internal struggles.