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Quiet Time in Hebrews 3

Writer's picture: FilipFilip

Updated: Mar 16, 2022




SIN (verses 7-8, 15): Far too many times since coming to faith and for far too long have I allowed myself to fall into the trap mentioned in these verses. Please forgive me, Father, for far too often allowing my heart to harden to Your words. Forgive me for my rebellious nature that always thinks I can do this life best if I’m in control. Help me to be better at listening to You and not deflecting or ignoring what You say to me, Father. Help me to no longer live my life with a hardened heart, so that when You do speak to me I am able to embrace the moment and the words.


PROMISE (verse 19): You give us some words here that may be hard to hear for some, but I understand it as a promise from You. You quite simply say that those who do not believe will not enter Your Kingdom. I know I am saved and will enter Your Kingdom because I am a believer. I may not be the best follower most of the time, but I definitely am a believer, so I am grateful for this promise You made to us. As a result of Your Son, Jesus, and the sacrifices He made, we are simply asked to believe to enter Your Kingdom. Everything else we do in Your name and aligned with Your will is kind of like a “bonus” in a sense, but not the requirement for simply entering Your Kingdom and I am so grateful for that because I have failed so many times since coming to faith. Having this promise as a hope for the future is amazing to me and I am so grateful.


ATTITUDE (verse 13): I really hope and pray that I can truly live in the attitude that this verse asks of me, Father. I know I have failed often with this in the past, but I ask that You help me to be better at this moving forward. You tell us to “encourage each other daily while it is still called today.” I have failed at this so often even in my closest relationships such as with my wife and children. Help me to be better at possessing and living in an attitude of encouragement towards others, Father. Help me to remember this verse daily, so that I do not stray from Your will for my life in this aspect.


COMMAND (verses 12-13): You tell us to be cautious and watch out, so that we do not allow an evil and unbelieving heart to overtake us. This then leads to You telling us to also encourage each other daily, so that we are not hardened by sin’s deception. These two combined reveal to me how powerful the Devil is, but also how weak I am when I try to live this life on my own without leaning on You through it all. Please help me with this, Father, so that I truly go to You for all things instead of always trying to be in control. Help me to be more cautious in this life of the deception and lies that sin brings into my life, Father.


EXAMPLE (verses 2-6): In these verses, You not only show us how faithful Moses was during his life, but You also tell us of how Jesus was much more faithful due to His purity through You. Although Moses would be a good example for us to follow in his faithfulness, Jesus is so much more. Through Jesus’ perfection, we are saved. Although Moses was an amazing follower for most of his life, he did still falter by giving into temptation and self-control. Jesus never gave into any of these throughout His life, always giving everything to You and Your will for Him and never giving into the many temptations the Devil tried to test Him with. Thank You so much for showing us how a great follower can be in this life, Father.


*DAILY NOTE: I have struggled with a hardened heart that just kept hardening and hardening more and more as time has gone by. I’ve allowed this to happen, of course, instead of relying on You for healing and growth. Thank You for reminding me that I no longer have to live this way, Father. Thank You for always being there to heal me even when oftentimes I was not willing to accept Your healing. Thank You for continuing to work in me to soften my heart and to strengthen my resistance ability against the Devil. It is because of You and only because of You that I have progressed to where I am now and I am so grateful for You. I know I have a LOT more work and growth ahead of me, but I am very grateful for where You’ve gotten me to.



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