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Join date: Sep 15, 2021


My name is Filip (pronounced just like Philip) and I'm retiring from the Air Force on 1 August 2022 after serving faithfully for over 20 years. I have an amazing wife who I've been married to since 2006. She led me to Jesus back in 2012 after an event in our lives that led her to Jesus just a few months before me. We have a total of 5 kids, all boys, ranging from ages 7-15 as of this update (Nov 2021). I've travelled to several different countries in my career and have been blessed with a ton of experience. Unfortunately, I've also made a lot of mistakes in my life that have led me down a very dark pit over the last several years. Since coming to faith in 2012, I have not been consistent with my faith. I'll have moments where I excelled, but then I'll would have longer moments where I regressed quite a bit. Over the 4th of July weekend in 2021 my wife and I had a very hurtful and emotional conversation that broke me down pretty bad and made me realize how much was wrong with me. In this moment, I discovered how broken I was, how angry I was, how isolated I became from everything and everyone. I was tired of being sad and angry all the time and needed something, someone to desperately pull me out of the deep, dark hole I was in.

I heard someone once say that when we hit rock bottom, that Jesus is that rock at the bottom giving us a strong foundation to get back up. This is exactly what happened to me in that moment. I fell hard to the bottom of the pit and the darkness, but Jesus was there to lift me up. On a long drive I found myself listening to several psychologist type podcasts in hopes to help me figure out exactly what was going on. A week or so later I came across a podcast called Real Men Connect. It's a Christian Men's Podcast by Dr. Joe Martin and is absolutely amazing. So amazing, in fact, that I decided to join the Real Men 300 community to stop isolating myself and begin surrounding myself with Godly men. So many amazing changes God has begun to make in me and my life ever since I joined the Real Men 300. God is great!

The reason for this blog is thanks to the Real Men 300 group, I learned how important a quiet time with God is to include journaling said quiet time. I learned how to properly do a quiet time for once in my life and it has been absolutely amazing! I have had a quiet time with Journaling every single day since then. I felt so great through these quiet times and felt so much Spiritual growth with them, that I felt the urge by the Holy Spirit to share all of it. From the start where I was journaling just kind of okay and still trying to figure things out to now where I'm doing at least a page in my journals, this experience has been such a blessing.

Stay blessed, y'all, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments! Love y'all!


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